Using Quick Drop
The Ctrl-E quick drop shortcut will now launch all DQMH scripting tools.
Read the description of the plugin (Quick Drop > Configure > Ctrl-Key Shortcuts > Launch DQMH Tool) to see the commands for launching each tool.

Launch a DQMH scripting tool by typing one of the following strings in Quick Drop before pressing the Ctrl-Key shortcut for this plugin:
Create New DQMH Event - ae, new event, add event, create event, “”
Rename DQMH Event - re, rename event * Remove DQMH Event - rme, remove * Convert DQMH Event - ce, convert * Add New DQMH Module - am, new mod, add mod, create mod * Rename DQMH Module - rm, rename module * Validate DQMH Module - vm, validate * Create DQMH Module Template - ct, template * Create RT Tester - crt, rt * New DQMH Unit Test - cut, unit
Default Shortcut - [E]