Quick start


DCFG - DQMH Configuration Editor consists of tree components:

  1. DCFG Toolkit (This is the DQMH Module to configure your DQMH Projects)

  2. DCFG Template (This is to create your own version of DCFG Module Configuration)


  • DCFG Example Project (Sample Project that showcast all the DCFG Features)

  • Use VIPM to install the provided packages

VIPM Packages

Basic operations

  • Adding DCFG Configuration to your existing DQMH Modules

  • Change Configuration View

  • Manage Presets

    1. Select the configuration values

    2. Click the Save Preset and choose a name

    3. Every Preset Saved will contain all the configuration values

  • How to enable Presets:

    1. After Adding DCFG Support to a module Main.vi Block diagram will be opened

    2. Create a True Constant and connect it to DCFG Framework:Start Module.vi as shown in the following image

Enable Presets
  1. Once you add this constant all the preset related buttons will be displayed in the configuration UI.
