Integrating DQMH Unit Tests with other unit test frameworks

The video below is the same as the one in the Creating DQMH Unit Testssection, except it starts at minute 4:44 where we describe the steps to create a DQMH Unit Test for other unit testing frameworks.

Create DQMH Unit Tests for Other Frameworks

  1. Follow the steps described in Creating DQMH Unit Tests.

  2. Create a new VI under the Unit Tests virtual folder to your project.

  3. Add to that VI the <Module Name>;*,* Test - <Module Name> - <Request Name> <number>.vi and <Module Name> that the New DQMH Unit Test added to the Unit Tests virtual folder to your project. Wire them and save this VI.

  4. Integrate this VI to your own unit test framework or just run this VI on its own to verify that your unit tests pass.