Adding a New DQMH Module from a Custom Template
The previous section describes how to add a new DQMH Module. This option lists Singleton'' and
Cloneable'' DQMH modules as the only two types supported. Follow the steps below to create a custom DQMH Module template and add it to the list of available DQMH Module Types. After completing the steps below, the available types will be Singleton'',
Cloneable'', and MyNewModule''. Where
MyNewModule'' is the name of the new custom DQMH module template.
To create a new DQMH Custom Template:
A demonstration of how to create a customized DQMH template can be found on the video ``NI week 2016 Create DQMH Module From Template'' found at : The video is embedded below:
Create DQMH Module from Template video NOTE: A DQMH Template Example is included with DQMH and can be found in <LabVIEW>\examples\Delacor\Delacor QMH\DQMH Template Example and includes a DQMH Template Example Module, its tester and its XML file mentioned below.
Create a new DQMH Module and customize it to fit your needs. Save your DQMH Module. This document refers to this new DQMH module as <MyNewModule>. Replace <MyNewModule> with the new DQMH Module name. Make sure that the DQMH module was created using Tools>DQMH Consortium>DQMH>Module>Add New DQMH Module… and if you need to rename the DQMH Module, use Tools>DQMH Consortium>DQMH>Module>Rename DQMH Module…
Go to DQMH Consortium>DQMH>Module>Create DQMH Module Template… menu and follow the wizard . Go to Tools>DQMH Consortium>DQMH>Module>Add New DQMH Module… and verify that <MyNewModule> is offered as an option for Module Type and the description text from the <MyNewModule>.xml file is displayed.