DQMH in LabVIEW Real-Time
DQMH 5.0 and later fully support both Singleton and Cloneable modules in LabVIEW Real-Time. The developer only has to drag a module to the desired Real-Time target in the LabVIEW project.
DQMH 4.0 introduced support for Cloneable modules and a new menu option for creating Real-Time-capable API Testers (LabVIEW Real-Time does not support Front Panel Controls events if no embedded UI is enabled, so regular API Tester buttons would not work):
Tools>DQMH Consortium>DQMH>Real-Time Tools>Create RT Tester…

For DQMH 4.2 and earlier, Singleton DQMH Modules do not work in LabVIEW Real-Time running in Linux operating systems.
There is a bug in how VI Server works in Real-Time for Linux resulting in the Ctrl Value Set invoke node used inside the Start Module.vi to not working.
DQMH 5.0 modifies how the DQMH modules are launched.
DQMH now uses Start Asynchronous call instead of the Run VI Server Method.
Read the DQMH API Tester for RT topic for more details.
The video below gives an overview of using DQMH in LabVIEW RT projects.
DQMH in LabVIEW Real-Time