What is New in DQMH?

Validation Tools

  • New validation tool: Return a validation failure if the Main VI and/or Tester VI for a module are broken.

  • Ignore Individual validation results: The Validation Results UI now allows you to right-click any validation failure and choose to ignore it for future validation runs. There is also a button in the results UI that lets you manage the validation failures for your modules. Note that this information is currently stored in a (human-readable) tag in the module .lvlib XML. The headless validator will fire a Validation Finished event even if the validation didn’t start due to an error. Validation tests that can flag individual VIs will check for the Issue Text in the VI description and if so, will not return a failure.

Enhanced `New Module' Dialog

New custom fields at new module dialog: When creating a DQMH Module Template, the user can now specify default values for Tester virtual folder, Module virtual folder, and relative path location for the new module. Then, whenever that template is used in the New DQMH Module dialog, those fields are pre-populated with the values from the module template and can be changed by the user. The last used virtual folder for tester, virtual folder for module, and relative path on disk for module are stored in the LabVIEW INI file. These will then be used when creating the next module with the Add New Module UI. Additionally, there is now a `Reset path and folder fields to default' button in the UI so the user can see what the default paths for different module types are if he doesn’t want to use his last-used path.

Scripting API

  • New Scripting API: VIs currently implemented are:

    • Get all modules in a project

    • Get all events in a module library

    • Get all callers of a request VI in the project

    • Get all VIs registered for a broadcast in the project

Support for Quick Drop

  • New Quick Drop Shortcut: The Ctrl+E quick drop shortcut will now launch all DQMH scripting tools. Read the description of the plugin (Quick Drop > Configure > Ctrl-Key Shortcuts > Launch DQMH Tool) to see the commands for launching each tool.

Find out more details at the Release Notes for DQMH 6.1