Removing an Existing DQMH Event
To remove an existing event:
Videos demonstrating the following steps and other examples are available at:
Go to Tools>DQMH Consortium>DQMH>Event>Remove DQMH Event….
Select the DQMH Module containing the event you wish to remove. This drop down menu will only list valid DQMH modules found within the project.
Specify the event you wish to remove. This drop down menu will let you select between all the request and broadcast events in the module. Several things to keep in mind when selecting from the list:
Several requests and broadcasts are considered framework-level parts of a DQMH module and cannot be removed:
Show Module
Hide Module
Get Module Execution
Module Did Init
Status Updated
Error Reported
Module Did Stop
Update Module Execution Status
If the selected event is the request part of a round trip pair, both events will be removed.
You cannot remove the last Private or Local Instance event, since a significant amount of scaffolding is added to a DQMH Module to support these event types.
Click OK and the specified event will be removed.
The error window will be displayed. The developer needs to complete the following actions:
Special considerations when removing a Request:
In the Tester VI:
Open the block diagram and find the event frame configured to test calling this request.
Right-click the event structure and select Delete This Event Case. This action should also remove the control added to test this request.
If prompted to save the request VI and its argument, select Don’t Save.
In the DQMH Module
Open the block diagram and find the event frame configured for this request (It might no longer be listed and instead say something like ``Unknown Event (0x0)'').
Right-click the event structure and select Delete This Event Case.
Find the associated <request name> in the MHL case structure, right-click on the case structure, and select Delete This Case.
If prompted to save the request VI and its argument, select Don’t Save.
Special considerations when removing a Broadcast:
In the Tester VI:
Open the block diagram and find the event frame configured for this broadcast. (It might no longer be listed and instead say something like ``Unknown Event (0x0)''.)
Right-click the event structure and select Delete This Event Case.
If prompted to save the broadcast VI and its argument, select Don’t Save.
In the Module Main VI:
Open the block diagram and find the places where the broadcast VI is called and remove it.
If prompted to save the broadcast VI and its argument, select Don’t Save.